Palos Heights Public Library staff are committed to help children with activities related to the Library. However, Library staff cannot, nor is it their responsibility, to serve as babysitters, teachers, or disciplinarians.
Children under the age of 9 must be attended by a responsible caregiver who is at least 14 years
of age. Parents/caregivers are responsible for their children’s behavior while in the library.
Unattended children under the age of 9 may be asked to remain at the Service Desk while staff
attempt to locate the caregiver. When the safety of an unattended child is in doubt or the parent
or responsible caregiver cannot be located, or if the Library is closing, Library staff are authorized
to call the police and stay with the child until the police arrive.
From time to time, the Library provides programs where children ages 3 through 6 can safely
attend without parental supervision. In such instances, these children must be brought into the
building by a parent or responsible adult childcare provider. They must be picked up promptly at
the conclusion of the program by their parent/caregiver, when they again resume supervision of
their charge. Children under the age of 3 must be attended at all times in the library building.
Failure to follow these rules by parents/caregivers may result in suspension of privileges as
outlined in the Patron Behavior Policy.
Adopted: February 9, 1995
Revised February 8, 2001
Revised: January 27, 2022