The Palos Heights Public Library provides in-house reference service and access to the reference collection to all library patrons regardless of age, residency or other qualification. Reference service is provided by trained staff during all the hours the Library is open. To access beyond our local collection, a patron must have a valid Palos Heights or Reaching Across Illinois Library System (RAILS) member library card.


  1. The Palos Heights Public Library subscribes to the American Library Association’s Librarian’s Code of Ethics.

  2. The confidentiality and impartiality of questions is respected and discussion with other staff members is restricted to seeking assistance in finding the answer.

  3. Staff members always cite the source of information provided; the title and date of the source used are cited.

  4. With the exception of reader’s advisory services and Library materials, personal opinions or recommendations are not given.


  1. Reference service is provided in response to all forms of questions in person, or by telephone, mail or electronic means.
    1. The patron who comes to the Library takes priority over the patron who phones or otherwise communicates to the Library.
    2. Telephone calls will be returned on the same day or within 24 hours.
    3. Telephone inquiries are limited to 3-5 minutes and a maximum of three questions.
    4. Inquires by mail or electronic means will be acknowledged within 24 hours.
  2. Equal effort is made for all questions regardless of purpose or use.


The staff will interview patrons to determine needs, assist patrons to find books and other Library materials and instruct patrons in the use of reference materials. Patrons may be asked to assist in checking materials for the information sought. If determining the answer to a question requires reading and evaluating extensive parts of a text, the staff gathers the sources for the patron to use, but the patron completes the necessary synthesis.


  1. Reference service resources include all materials owned by the Library. Materials are purchased according to the Library’s selection policy.

  2. Reference staff has access to a telephone, typewriter, microform reader, computer terminal, fax machine, and the internet.

  3. If a reference question cannot be answered to the patron’s satisfaction within the collection of the Palos Heights Public Library, requests from holders of Palos Heights and valid RAILS member library cards will be forwarded to RAILS Reference Service, or other libraries and agencies as needed.


The Library will charge reference service fees as assessed by the SWAN Consortium or other providers. These fees will include, but are not limited to, photocopying services at the library’s current copying/printing rates. The patron is informed of fees before any answer is pursued.


  1. Address Information
    1. No personal information such as address or telephone number will be provided from any Library records. Telephone books, criss-cross directories or other sources will be checked.
    2. Criss-Cross Directories: Staff will check on a maximum of three addresses per phone request.

  2. Homework
    The staff guides the student in finding material or sources to complete homework and provides instruction in use of Library resources only.

  3. Contests
    The Library staff never assumes the responsibility for finding contest answers nor for guaranteeing their correctness. Patrons visiting the Library will be assisted in finding probable sources for answers.

  4. Legal and Medical Questions
    Brief definitions and descriptions are given from published sources. Staff does not offer opinions or interpretations nor attempts to condense information read over the phone or in person.

  5. Circulation of Reference Materials
    As a general rule, reference materials do not circulate. Special loans may be arranged with the approval of the reference librarian on duty or the Librarian-in-Charge.


Reference service is evaluated every three years to determine if the Library is fulfilling its goals. The reference policy is reviewed and updated by the reference staff, youth services staff, Library Director and Library Board of Trustees every three years and is available to the public at the Reference, Youth Services and Circulation Desks and on the Library’s website.

Adopted 12/88
Revised 11/91
Revised 11/92
Revised 2/96
Revised 4/99
Revised 3/06