All sources of motive power, including but not limited to electric, hydraulic, mechanical, chemical, thermal, or pneumatic, shall be shut down and locked out in the OFF position during service or maintenance of equipment. All lockouts must prevent the accidental operation and/or release of energy, and be verified by all employees who will be doing work in and around the locked out equipment.


The Custodian has the responsibility and authority for the lockout procedure. These responsibilities include identification of equipment; selection and acquisition of lockout devices; design of lockout and verification procedures; designation of responsible, affected, and authorized for group lockout employees; training; and evaluation of program effectiveness.


A survey to locate and identify all isolating devices to be certain which switches, valves or other isolating devices apply to specific equipment types has been made, and a copy is included in this program. Sources of energy and their locations are listed. The Custodian will be responsible for updating this survey.


Step 1 – NOTIFY all affected employees that a lockout or tagout is going to be used and reasons why.
Step 2 – Authorized employees will know the TYPE AND MAGNITUDE OF ENERGY, understand the hazards (from survey), and SHUT DOWN the equipment by the normal operating procedure.
Step 3 – Authorized employees will ISOLATE the equipment from its energy source(s), and dissipates or restrains residual energy.
Step 4 – Authorized employees will LOCKOUT the isolating devices.
Step 5 – An ATTEMPT TO START the equipment will be made after ensuring that no personnel are exposed. Return operating controls to off or neutral.


A specific procedure will be written for each equipment type requiring multiple lockouts. These completed procedures will be kept in a section of this manual; copies may be kept in maintenance areas for ready access. The City Hall Building Custodian will be responsible for ensuring that any new equipment with multiple lockouts will have a procedure developed.


If more than one individual is required to work on a piece of equipment, each shall place his/her own lock on all energy isolating devices. A multiple lockout device may be used.


  • All equipment shall be locked out to prevent injury to personnel.
  • No attempt shall be made to operate any switch, valve, or other energy isolating device when it is locked or tagged out.


When a full positive lockout is not possible, a full tagout must be in place. This requires a tag at each possible source of energy and start station. All tags must be affixed to ensure that they cannot be accidentally removed. All lockout requirements must be met and the tags must remain in place until the job is completed.

Tagout systems have many limitations and are not recognized as having the same degree of protection as a positive lockout system. Lockout will be the energy control program of choice. Whenever major replacement, repair, renovation or modification of machines or equipment is made, and whenever new machines or equipment are installed, energy isolation devices will be designed to accept lockout devices.


Before lockout or tagout devices are removed and energy is restored to the equipment the following steps will be taken.

STEP 1 – INSPECT work area to ensure machine components are intact and non-essential items (tools, etc.) have been removed.
STEP 2 – Ensure that all EMPLOYEES are OUT OF DANGER, and notify affected employees of start-up.
STEP 3 – Each LOCKOUT DEVICE will be REMOVED by the employee who applied the device. (See Exception Section).
STEP 4 – START EQUIPMENT to ensure proper operation.

If the machine must be tested and lockout devices are temporarily removed, steps 1-3 will be followed. After testing, all systems must be de-energized and the lockout procedure must be repeated.

EXCEPTION: When employee who applied the lockout or tagout device is not available to remove it, it may be removed if the following procedure is followed.

STEP 1 – Verify that authorized employee who applied lock is not at the facility.
STEP 2 – Make all reasonable efforts to contact employee.
STEP 3 – Remove the lockout or tagout device in accordance with the procedure.
STEP 4 – Continue to attempt to contact authorized employee; ensure that he/she knows what occurred before returning to work.


All authorized (performs lockout) and affected (uses equipment) employees shall be trained in the purpose and function of the energy control program. Authorized employees will be given the knowledge and skills required for the safe application, usage, and removal of energy controls. In addition, all other employees who may be in an area where energy controls are being used will be instructed on the procedure and about the prohibitions relating to re-starting or re-energizing locked out or tagged out equipment. When tagout systems are used, employees will also be trained in the limitations of tags. Records will be kept by the Custodian. Retraining will be provided when personnel changes, machine changes, process or energy control procedure changes occur, or if the employer suspects or the program review indicates inadequacies in employee knowledge or skills.


The effectiveness of the energy control procedure will be determined every 12 months using an inspection of a lockout by the Custodian with the assistance of the Administrative Librarian. The inspection will include all the steps of lockout, and will be documented. Appropriate action will be taken when the results of the inspection warrant.


All records will be kept in the training and program review section of this manual. A copy of this Lockout/Tagout Policy is also located in the Library’s Policy Manual.

Attached forms to be used to complete policy:
Outside Service or Contractor Personnel
Specific List for Machinery and Equipment
Lockout/Tagout Annual Review

Adopted March 8, 2007