At the September Regular Board Meeting, if not before, members of the Personnel Committee will determine a date during the month of October to meet to discuss the Director’s evaluation.
One week prior to the agreed-upon Committee Meeting date, each Committee Member will receive a copy of the Evaluation Form and current job description.
The Personnel Committee will meet to discuss the Director’s Evaluation.
This meeting should include a discussion of all items on the Evaluation Form including the Director’s success in meeting current year’s goals specifically as they pertain to the Library’s Mission and Strategic Plan.
This meeting should also include a discussion of the Director’s salary as it relates to the Library’s Compensation Philosophy statement and the Director’s current position within designated pay grade.
This meeting should also include a discussion of goals for the Director for the coming year.
The Personnel Committee will reach a consensus on a recommendation in terms of the overall evaluation of the Director, specific feedback on the past year’s performance, and salary adjustment (if any).
The recommendations of the Personnel Committee will be presented for discussion and approval at the November Regular Board of Trustees Meeting.
A merit increase, if one has been approved, will take effect during the first pay period of the following fiscal year.