Attendance is required by all employees except pages at in-service training. Exceptions need to be approved by the Library Director.


Full-time employees are encouraged to take Library science and related courses at fully accredited colleges and universities. Employees may receive a 50% rebate of the tuition costs with a maximum allowance of $1,500 per year, provided they get prior approval of the course(s) from the Library Director. Reimbursement of the tuition fees will be contingent upon successful completion of the approved course(s) and submission of an official transcript. If an employee desires (because of a scholarship, for example), books may be paid for in lieu of tuition. Applicable money limits and conditions still apply.

Full-time employees wishing to attend meetings or conferences sponsored by professional Library or Library related organizations, of which they are members, will be given a reasonable amount of Library time off—if schedules permit. All meetings and conferences must be approved by the Library Director. Conferences exceeding two days are not to be considered reasonable unless special permission from the Board of Trustees is obtained.

Funds are available for travel, meals, lodging, conference dues, professional association dues, journals, and other special professional activities. Request for such funds must be made in writing to the Library Director. A line item in the budget called “Professional Development” has been established to handle such request and the distribution of these funds is controlled by the Library Director.

Approved: September 28, 2017