The Palos Heights Public Library requires that staff, using the internet do so within these guidelines of acceptable use. The following activities are unacceptable:
- Use of electronic information networks for any purpose which results in the harassment of other users;
- Destruction of, damage to, or unauthorized alteration of the Library’s computer equipment, software, or network security procedures;
- Use of electronic information networks in any way which violates a federal or state law;
- Use of the electronic information networks in any way which violates licensing and payment agreements between the Palos Heights Public Library and network or database providers;
- Unauthorized duplication of copy protected software or violation of software license agreements and any copyright laws;
- Storage of data to anything other than a storage device or e-mail account;
- Violation of system security;
- Behaving in a manner that is disruptive to other users, including overuse of computer equipment which serves to deny access to other users and violation of users’ privacy;
- Use of the Library’s official social media platforms in a way that disparages the reputation of the Library or any Library employee;
- Illegal acts involving Library computer resources may be subject to prosecution by local, state, or federal authorities.
Adopted: September 28, 2017