The Palos Heights Public Library believes the collection of local history material is an important service to the community. The local history room was included in the 2004 renovation/expansion of the Library. The purpose of the Local History Room is to collect, preserve and make accessible both primary and secondary materials related to the City and Library.

The aim is to provide and maintain the best possible collection to meet the historical information needs of the community and to promote a sense of place within the community.

The collection is available to all who wish to use its resources (original material may have some restrictions). Being a reference collection, items can not be borrowed unless special permission has been granted by the administrative librarian.


Focus Areas

Materials collected relate to all past, current and future aspects of Palos Heights and especially the Palos Heights Public Library. Materials of Chicago and statewide historical interest are limited and should in some way relate to Palos Heights. With the exception of a few artifacts for use for display purposes, artifacts are not generally collected. Where material inappropriate to the collection is offered for acquisition, it will be referred to other collections if possible.

The Library encourages and welcomes gifts and donations which relate in a meaningful way directly to the history of Palos Heights. Materials accepted will pertain to organizations and groups related to Palos Heights. Examples include: the City; Palos Heights Fire Department; Palos Fire Department; Palos Township; Worth Township. Organizational archives must be historically significant and be limited to twelve inches of file space. Items will not be accepted if outside the scope of the collecting area, if impractical restrictions or conditions are required by the donor, if the Library is unable to house the type or quantity of material or if the items are not in acceptable condition. Acceptance of material is subject to the approval of the Administrative Librarian.

Selection Plan

The Library acquires materials in all formats through purchase, donation, photocopying or scanning (if permissible under copyright laws). Generally, single copies will be acquired unless heavy use is anticipated.

The Library will maintain a complete microfilm collection of the local newspaper The Regional.

No school yearbooks will be included.

The addition of a print item to the collection shall be determined by its relevancy to Palos Heights and if the budget allows. These will be catalogued. Other materials will be organized and indexed.

Retention and Weeding

Current items in the local history collection will be evaluated per this policy. Items weeded will be reviewed by the Administrative Librarian. Then all items initially kept will be retained permanently unless this policy is revised.

Development Plan

Through the use of volunteers, the collection will be organized and indexed. The Regional and other items will be digitized through the pursuit of digitization projects as funds are available.

A line item for local history will be established in the Library’s annual budget and will be a consideration in the Library’s Long Range Plan.


As the room is not currently staffed, it is kept locked. If a reference librarian deems a request is valid for use of the room, the room is unlocked and the patron must sign in on a log. The Library reserves the right to inspect papers and materials leaving the history room with any patron. Comprehensive procedures will be developed by the administrative librarian.

Adopted February 9, 2006
Revised 6/7/12