The Board of Trustees of the Palos Heights Public Library actively encourages gifts and contributions that will help the Library to better serve the needs of the community. The Palos Heights Public Library is grateful for gifts, and its facilities and collections have been greatly enriched by donations of materials as well as monetary contributions. Such donations allow the Library to acquire materials that would not have been purchased otherwise.
All donations and gifts to the Library are subject to applicable state laws as well as the Library’s existing policies and guidelines, including those relating to the selection of and access to books and other resources. The Library Board or the Board’s delegated authority makes the final decision on the acceptance of gifts and also reserves the right to determine any conditions of recognition, display, housing, and access. The Library must be granted unconditional ownership of all gifts. The Library reserves the right to utilize gifts as it sees fit and to dispose of gifts deemed to be no longer suited for or needed by the Library.
Gifts of Books and Other Library Resources
The Library Director is authorized to act for the Library Board in accepting or declining gifts in the form of books, recordings, and other library materials and resources, including gifts of this type that are offered through agencies such as the Friends of the Palos Heights Library.
Monetary Gifts
The Library welcomes monetary gifts in any amount. Unrestricted gifts are encouraged so that contributions can be used in ways that best support the Library’s Strategic Plan and the needs of the community. The Library will consider the wishes of donors when accepting restricted gifts. When the Library receives a cash gift for the purchase of materials or other resources, the general nature or subject area of the items to be purchased may be specified by the donor. Selection of specific titles, however, will be made in accordance with the needs and selection policies of the Library. Similarly, all such gifts will be processed in accordance with administrative procedures developed by the Library.
In-Kind Donations
Gifts of art, furniture, plants, other tangible personal property, and professional services may be accepted or declined by the Library Director or the Board of Trustees. Any conditions attaching to the proposed gift, including but not limited to the type of recognition provided and the location, disposition, handling or display of the article, will be considered prior to the acceptance of the gift.
Gifts of Securities
Marketable securities received by the Library as gifts will be sold as soon as practicable at the market rate. The net proceeds of unrestricted gifts may be used as recommended by the Library Director and as approved by the Library Board. The net proceeds of restricted gifts will be used as directed by the donor, subject to state law, policies outlined herein, and other relevant Library policies. Gifts offered to the Library consisting of securities that are not readily marketable will be submitted to the Library Board for a decision as to acceptability.
Donations to the Friends of The Palos Heights Library
The Library accepts donation of books and other materials on behalf of the Friends of the Palos Heights Library to be sold or used in support of their fundraising activities.
Gift Retention and Restrictions
All gifts are accepted with the understanding that it may someday be necessary that the items be sold or disposed of in the best interest of the Library. The Library cannot commit to perpetually housing or displaying a donation. Donations cannot be accepted unless property rights are transferred fully to the Library.
Donation Acknowledgments
Upon request, the Library will provide a receipt for all items donated. For in-kind donations, the Library cannot appraise the value of the items donated. The donor will receive a letter acknowledging the donation. It is the donor’s prerogative to determine the value of the donation independently of the Library.
The Library shall maintain a cumulative record of gifts from individuals, families, organizations, and businesses. Major donors will be included in a permanent display honoring their support of the Library. This display is prominently located near the Library’s main entrance. Upon request of the donor, gifts to the Library can be made anonymously, and donor information will be kept confidential.
Names will be listed on the donation wall according to the following categories:
- Platinum Donors: Individuals, families, organizations, and businesses who have made cumulative gifts in excess of $25,000.
- Gold Donors: Individuals, families, organizations, and businesses who have made cumulative gifts of between $10,000 and $25,000.
- Silver Donors: Individuals, families, organizations, and businesses who have made cumulative gifts of between $2,500 and $10,000.
- Bronze Donors: Individuals, families, organizations, and businesses who have made cumulative gifts of between $500 and $2,500.
Recognition of gifts by affixing donor plates to materials, equipment, shelving, or furniture, or by naming areas of the Library for donors will be determined by the Library Board on a case-by-case basis.
Adopted: November 21, 2019