2. The mission adopted by the Library Board states that the library’s primary purpose is “to serve the residents of Palos Heights with popular printed, visual, and audio materials.” It also seeks to “stimulate young children’s interest and appreciation for reading and learning,” and “to help residents obtain information to meet their interests and needs.”

    In order to meet those challenges, the Library Board of Trustees charges the staff with the responsibility for selecting library materials. Under general supervision of the Administrative Librarian, librarians in the public service departments select materials and maintain collections with appropriate assistance from their support staff. Any books and library materials selected within the general guidelines or intent of this policy are held to be approved by the Library Board.

    The Board of Trustees of the Palos Heights Public Library reaffirms its adoption of the Freedom to Read Statement, Library Bill of Rights, and Freedom to View. (appended)

  4. Criteria for Selection
    The goal for selection of materials for the Library’s collection is to make available materials in all formats that will meet the educational, informational, cultural, and recreational interests and needs of the people of Palos Heights as stated in the mission statement. To fulfill this purpose, the Library endeavors to maintain a collection of representative materials of permanent value and current interest.

    Method of Selection
    Reviews published in professional, literary or general periodicals and requests from members of the community are used as the basis of selection by professional staff under the direction of the Administrative Librarian.

    Area of Special Acquisition
    The Palos Heights Public Library maintains a local history collection to document the history of Palos Heights through books, newspapers, photographs, and pamphlets.

  6. Weeding
    Systematic removal from the library collection of materials no longer useful is essential to maintaining the purposes and quality of resources. Weeding should be done regularly, taking into account the following factors:

    1. Physical condition of the material due to damage or normal wear and tear.
    2. Provision in the library of adequate coverage in the field.
    3. Availability of special materials in a more comprehensive library collection in this area.
    4. Currency of the material, especially in non-fiction titles.

    The collection should also be examined on a continual basis for books needing repair or binding to maintain a well-kept collection. Those materials deemed no longer useful to the library’s collection may either be used for the Library book sale or may be disposed of at the discretion of the Administrative Librarian.

  8. Book selection and book censorship differ in the following manner: Selection is governed by economics, physical limitation, format or questionable authority of source while censorship is the limiting of resources based on the subject, topic and/or ideas per se.

    Material of sound authority shall not be removed from the library shelves because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval. If it is determined that there is a lack of material of sound authority representing the opposite viewpoint and such material is available, it will be added for balance.

  10. Palos Heights residents with complaints in regards to library material will be handled as outlined in the Procedure for Challenged Materials (see attached).

  11. GIFTS
  12. All gifts will be handled as outlined in the Library’s Circulation and Patron Policy.

  13. REVIEW
  14. The selection policy will be reviewed and updated by the professional staff, administrative librarian and the Library Board of Trustees every three years and is available to the public at the reference and circulation desks.

    Adopted 11/8/90
    Revised 11/91