LIMRiCC, or the Library Insurance Management and Risk Control Combination, is the pool that we belong to for our staff health, vision, dental and other personnel benefits. Back in 2023, membership voted to update the terms of the intergovernmental agreement that governs its existence. The changes were minor. They included things like how many members had to attend the annual meeting and terms that would allow new member libraries to join. It was all pretty straightforward and common-sense, in my opinion. But what they forgot to do was actually have all of the member libraries sign the new agreement. Their process for “signing” includes each library’s board of trustees passing a resolution or ordinance, as applicable. I have included the entirety of the contract in this month’s packet, but the resolution itself is found on the last two pages. It’s a pretty straightforward resolution that will allow us to continue participating in the LIMRiCC pool and will allow us to continue to provide benefits to our staff.

Recommendation: I recommend that you approve the Resolution Providing for the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Library Insurance Management and Risk Control Combination (“LIMRiCC”).