Advice from every reputable health organization at this point notes the importance of wearing some kind of mask to limiting the spread of COVID-19. For the sake of the health and safety of library staff and patrons, the following policy shall be implemented:
All persons entering the library must wear a face covering that fully covers both the nose and mouth and must maintain a six foot distance from all other persons when practicable. Reasonable accommodations such as curb-side service, phone and email reference, and online resources are available to those who are medically prevented from or decline to wear a face covering. Those refusing to wear an appropriate face covering and maintaining a six foot distance with others shall not be admitted to the library. Anyone who removes their mask once admitted will be required to leave the library.
This policy takes effect immediately. It shall be lifted automatically when the Illinois Department of Public Health declares that the state has reached Phase 5 of the Restore Illinois plan. The policy shall be reinstated automatically should the Illinois Department of Public Health determine that the state must return to any phase lower than Phase 5 of the Restore Illinois plan.
Adopted: June 18, 2020